Flute Summit 2006
If you click on this photo you will be taken to our slideshow of over 60 photos from the Flute Summit at Florida State University.
We hope you enjoy it!
If you click on this photo you will be taken to our slideshow of over 60 photos from the Flute Summit at Florida State University.
We hope you enjoy it!
The Flute Association at
How to order: We are currently taking pre-orders for the cookbooks!
Cookbooks will be printed and ready for delivery on December 1st, 2006 and are $20 each. Please fill out the form below and return with a check. OR if you are submitting this online please print out this form after cutting and pasting it into a word processing file and mail it in with your check.
Thank you for your support!
Name:_________________________ Date:__________________
State:__________ Zip Code:_____________________________
Phone: (_____) ___________ Email:_________________________
Number of Cookbooks:________ X $20.00
Total Enclosed:___________________________________________
Make Checks Payable to: FSU Flute Association
Mailing Address: The Flute Association at
c/o Eva Amsler